The Future of the Architecture Profession

I have a tale to tell; Once upon a time, there was a man who was so sought after emperors and kings fought to have him work only for them. He was called the master builder. He was a highly respected professional whose skills and services were the foundation of each civilization. So what is a master builder and what …

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Design & Innovation: The Entertainment Side of Hotels

I talked in previous articles about hotels guest rooms, food and beverages outlets and how they should gear up for better serving the new generations of travelers. So what else in hotels needs re-inventing? Should a hotel be just a place to sleep or should it be a place to experience the culture of the host country? Historically of course, …

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Design & Innovation: Hotel Food & Beverage

After guests’ rooms, the next most important aspect of any hotel is food. Now let’s look at why hotel restaurants are usually deserted particularly in the evening. I guess it’s because of what seems like a template, when it comes to what is offered at most hotels; the all-day dining place, the usual Italian restaurant, and the watered down version …

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Design & Innovation: Hotel Guest Rooms

Hotel rooms in my opinion fall into two categories, hotels rooms for business travellers and those for leisure travellers and they absolutely should have very little in common. In all major hotels around  the world, guest rooms present the travelers with basically the same designs, same amenities and same layouts. With few changes here and there, a desk here, no …

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Design & Innovations: The Story of Hotels

I travel a fair bit and after many years, I have developed airports panic disorder. As soon as I leave home I start dreading the painful journeys through airports. From the moment I get off the car, the torture starts; The never ending queues, the stripping, the molestations, strangers touching your personal belongings and hours sitting in an aluminum tube …

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Housing: The Need Part IV

 When I was doing research for my Ph.D on housing policies in Algeria some 25 years ago, I predicted based on existing case studies in other countries, that they will never succeed in solving the problem because of 3 main reasons; Firstly, the financial system and financial models were not engaged in the process and are not real contributors to …

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Housing: The Need III

“…housing development in Thailand can be divided into three major periods: the boom (1990-1996), the bust (1997-2001) and the recovery (2002 onwards). The effects of the market bust were clearly observed in 1996, but the massive bust occurred when the Baht was floated or devalued on July 2,1997. Housing development, however, has contributed to the economy and the country. A …

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Housing: The Need

When I was young,  growing in a country struggling with shortage of housing, I watched  various attempts by the government trying to solve the problem but always failing, and even after 50 years of trying, they are still failing! The impacts of this lack of a basic shelter was having on the fabric of the society is appalling.   Yesterday …

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The Science of Renovating Occupied Buildings

It is usually assumed that designers have an easier job renovating a building than designing a new one. Through so many years of doing both new projects as well as renovating others, there is nothing further from the truth. In building renovation we deal with; Aging buildingsProgrammes that will protect buildings from deterioration, improve safety for occupants, and enhance the …

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Sinking Maldives Survival Plans

The Maldives is sinking, scientists predict rising sea water levels will submerge it by the turn of the century. So if you were the Maldivian government, what would you do to ensure the survival of you nation, your 1,190 islands of white sand and crystal clear waters? Well, the Maldivian government hired a Dutch design firm which specialize in waterfront design …

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