A Simple Guide to Setting up a Home Gym

In every corner of town I see gyms. People rushing first thing in the morning or afterwork. Either to train, to use their facilities or join the classes that the gyms provide. The main role of the gym is to facilitate training. Gyms hire trainers in order for clients to get knowledge and to be able to apply and use it for their fitness regime.  I for one, have been training for a few years and feel now that I would like to be able to train at home, as I have enough knowledge and can hire a trainer to come home. Training at home has many benefits, starting with not having to commute back and forth , not waiting for a machine or a dumbbell and also for hygienic reasons. But first I would have to have a gym at home, and designing a gym in a small space, such as a home requires a little bit of planning.

Firstly there’s the question of whether a gym can be incorporated onto the 2nd floor of a house. 

The answer is yes! 

Yes, unless you are deadlifting anything more that 600kg or 1500lb. The necessary thing to do would be to cover the area with a thick rubber mat to distribute and absorb the shock load.  The weight of all the equipment would be less that a group of people gathering on the second floor.

The first steps in planning the gym layout, is to measure the length and width of your space. The location of the windows, doors should be marked.  The height of the room should be measured as some equipment may be too tall. Research the dimensions of the equipment, to get an idea of how it will fit  into a space.

Make sure there are enough power outlets for the machines, and where they will be placed. Leave enough space between equipment and walls, so both do not become damaged and there is enough access for circulation.

Once the layout is set, the seating should be thought about. The location of where the television should be placed is important.  The television helps with the running on the treadmill. A mirror is also essential especially for the free weight workouts.

The following are few images of home gyms that work from simple gyms in the garage to nicely done up gyms within the house.

01Finding space in any corner of the house 

Finding space in any corner of the house

  A room specially made for a gym in the house

A room specially made for a gym in the house

an example of a gym in the house 

an example of a gym in the house

gyms overlooking nature 

gyms overlooking nature

 a home gym can utilize any room 

a home gym can utilize any room

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